Using Blogger on VGA Pocket PC with Opera, Minimo, Picsel and Pocket IE
After setting up blog on PC, I just had to try it on my Mobile Device too.
I have iPaq hx4700 with VGA screen, WM5, and several web browsers - Internet Explorer Mobile, Opera 8.60, Picsel Browser (thanks VJ@xdadev) and nightly build of Minimo (1/1/2007).
PIE's rendering of the page is so ugly, that I gave up trying to blog through it immediately.
I did not manage to authorize into Blogger through Picsel. Some script problems I guess.
Minimo also failed at google account authorization stage.
So, this post was created on Opera. Beautiful rendering. Only some formating buttons (Bold, Italics, etc.) are missing from the form, compared to the PC rendering.
So, if you want to use Blogger on mobile device, Opera is the only choice at this moment.